Refund & Dispute Management Onboarding

To prepare your reports, Checkmate requires access to your third-party delivery partner portals.

Log in to each delivery partner portal.
Set up a new user with the email: RD+[YOUR BRAND NAME]

Ex: If your brand is 'Pizza House', the email is If an error occurs, modify your email by adding an MMDD suffix, such as, where '0311' indicates March 11.
Assign 'Admin' rights to this user for all locations.
If needed, use:

- First Name: Checkmate

- Last Name: Refund Dispute

User creation help links: DoorDash | Uber Eats | Gruhhub

Have questions? Email us at

Include location details you want Refund & Dispute Management for 
(comma separate each name)
Add the names and emails of additional users you would like to give access to
Confirm if the requisite user access has been created for Checkmate in the respective third-party portals:
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